Home Healthcare How have US cost-effectiveness thresholds modified over the years? – Healthcare Economist

How have US cost-effectiveness thresholds modified over the years? – Healthcare Economist

How have US cost-effectiveness thresholds modified over the years? – Healthcare Economist


That’s the questions Peter Neumann and David Kim (2023) solution of their JAMA analysis letter revealed these days. They use 1990-2021 knowledge from the Tufts Clinical Heart CEA Registry. The effects are summarized within the graphs underneath.

First, we see the usage of a specific charge effectiveness threshold expanding over the years, from handiest 45% of revealed research to 91% of all research. 2nd, the cost-effectiveness thresholds have higher over the years. While 43.6% of research reporting a CEA threshold used a $50,000/QALY threshold within the Nineties, now handiest 13.8% of research use that threshold; while 0% of research used $150,000/QALY threshold within the Nineties, now 25.9% of research achieve this.

The authors additionally be aware that:

  • Most cancers-related CEAs referenced upper thresholds than non-cancer CEAs, which would possibly recommend a view that interventions for illnesses related to higher mortality and morbidity warrant upper thresholds.
  • Authors of industry-funded analyses generally tend to reference upper thresholds.

You’ll be able to learn the total paper right here.



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